祝贺赵玉坤的论文 "α-Fe2O3 as a Versatile and Efficient Oxygen Atom Transfer Catalyst in Combination with H2O as the Oxygen Source" 被 Nature Catalysis 接收发表。
祝贺崔林丰的论文 "Development of a Fluorophore with Enhanced Unorthodox Chalcogen Bonding for Highly Sensitive Detection of Trimethyl Arsine Vapor" 被 ACS Sensors 接受发表。
祝贺巩彦君和王伟入选2021年度第一批北京分子科学国家研究中心博士后项目(BMS Junior Fellow)!BMS Junior Fellow 项目将给予入选者每人20万元/年的博士后津贴,资助期为2年。
祝贺夏红玲、黄笛、林雨寒、王伟、崔林丰、赵新和邱长坤顺利通过博士论文答辩!Congratulations! Dr. Xia, Dr. Huang, Dr. Lin, Dr. Wang, Dr. Cui, Dr. Zhao and Dr. Qiu!
祝贺乔效峰的论文 "All at Once Arrangement of Both Oxygen Atoms of Dioxygen into Aliphatic C(sp3)-C(sp3) Bonds for Hydroxylketone Difunictionalization" 被 Science China Chemistry 接收发表!
祝贺王伟的论文 "Photocatalytic C–C Coupling from Carbon Dioxide Reduction on Copper Oxide with Mixed-Valence Copper(I)/Copper(II)" 被 Journal of the American Chemical Society 接收发表!
祝贺崔林丰的论文 "Highly Photostable and Luminescent Donor-Acceptor Molecules for Ultrasensitive Detection of Sulfur Mustard" 被 Advanced Science 接收发表!